Tuesday, January 01, 2008

He's back?

Well perhaps, if even for only a moment, to wish you all a Happy 2008, from 2008. Gotta take advantage of that date line thing when you can.

Anyhow, early 2008 resolution is to post a bit more regularly (like that's gonna be hard.) The blog may get a bit of a rebranding, as I'm not expecting to be playing much poker, but we'll see how it goes.

2007 is in the books as the year I learned that I shouldn't really play cash. I'm just not temperamentally suited for it I think. So, back to the sit and go arena, and the occasional MTT.

In 2008:

May all your bluffs succeed,
Your value bets be called,
And you river your one outers.

Unless of course, you are at my table.