Tuesday, January 01, 2008

He's back?

Well perhaps, if even for only a moment, to wish you all a Happy 2008, from 2008. Gotta take advantage of that date line thing when you can.

Anyhow, early 2008 resolution is to post a bit more regularly (like that's gonna be hard.) The blog may get a bit of a rebranding, as I'm not expecting to be playing much poker, but we'll see how it goes.

2007 is in the books as the year I learned that I shouldn't really play cash. I'm just not temperamentally suited for it I think. So, back to the sit and go arena, and the occasional MTT.

In 2008:

May all your bluffs succeed,
Your value bets be called,
And you river your one outers.

Unless of course, you are at my table.


Blogger Fuel55 said...

Welcome back fish

4:28 pm  
Blogger Martin Ritucci said...

I am Martin Ritucci member of the online affiliate team of OptimusPoker.com, a poker site within the Merge Gaming Network. I am writing to express our interest in working with you and so appear in your website.
I would appreciate if you could send me some information about how you usually work with online poker rooms and, most importantly, what you expect from us.
I would be very grateful if you reply to this email to confirm that you have received it and to include anything that you may consider relevant. If you do not want to receive any more information from us, do not hesitate to say so.
I look forward to your answer and to start working with you as soon as possible.
Yours Faithfully,

Martin Ritucci
Affiliation Department

1:42 am  
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