Friday, August 31, 2007

The brownie diaries, pictorial edition

I promise that this is the last brownie related post -- even I can see that it's getting a bit obsessional. But, just in order to convince you that the whole "baking brownies" thing wasn't some sort of sad literary hook for the previous posts, here's the pictorial evidence. After all, we know that pictures never lie.

Sadly, not taken with a Brownie box camera, but with the modern equivalent, an extremely cheap and cheerful digital camera (at least it's a Kodak)

Batches one and two and the chocolate bits supply.

Batch three cooling, and butter melting for batch five. Batch four is in the oven, but not having Alton Brown's kitchen, I can't show you a picture of those. (More celebrity chef namedropping)

State of the kitchen -- not too bad really.



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